Farm to Early Childhood at Children’s House
Inside Boulder News – Children’s House Preschool from City of Boulder on Vimeo.
The best way to create healthy eating habits in children is to start young and have them involved in every process of growing and preparing food. Children’s House has implemented a healthy, nutritional curriculum for years. Thanks to support with grants from The City of Boulder Health Equity Fund, Qualistar Healthy Beginnings Active Futures Grant, Temple Hoyne Buell Foundation, and a vehicle donation from Michael Burz and Deborah Knuckey, we have been able to build a new garden in front of the school, and update our kitchen.
The new kitchen has everything that we need to eventually start serving lunches to our children. Michael is taking classes to become certified for the Child Adult Food Care Program which will then subsidize meals so that our low income children will receive free lunches and snacks. For now we have been using it to make sure the children get to eat nutritious snacks with the harvest from the garden. Children enjoy harvesting, washing, and preparing the vegetables and then participate in recipe creation. The kitchen is equipped with a commercial grade refrigerator, a twin induction hot plate, and new oven as well as plenty of space to cook with the children.