December 2008

The true cold has definitely arrived. Thanks to all the parents for wrapping your children so well. We don’t go outside if it is less than 20F, but we do try to get out for at least a little while if the weather permits. We would like to wish all families a happy and safe winter break, which begins Friday.

Phone: 303-444-6432

Monday December 22nd “ Tuesday Jan 6th School breaks for winter vacation and BVSD Professional Days
Wednesday January 7th School resumes
Monday January 19th No school – Martin Luther King Jr. Day


Jan 7th – Jan 30th “The Three Snow Bears” by Jan Brett. These books are now here to pick up. The story follows the essence of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, but it is set in the North, with an Inuit Girl. We will be learning about the polar worlds, north and south: the environments, people who live there, the animals found there and marine life. We will also delve into the areas of sharing, and asking for things, as well as fairy tales, and variations on them.

It is not only important for our preschool to take the utmost care of our children, but also of our planet. We recently looked into a voluntary Eco Friendly Certification program for Child care centers, which looked at our school environment in regards to: cleaning and freshening products used, the materials that our toys are made from, quality of our playground equipment, and the lack of treated wood, air quality, furniture, art supplies, recycling and toxic substances. We are pleased to tell you that we have been confirmed as an Eco-friendly preschool. This program was started in Oregon, and has now expanded to a nationwide program. For more information visit their website at

We have information available for all parents in regards to which numbered plastics have been determined “good”, and which numbered plastics are known to contain and leach toxins. There is also information about which cleaning products are good for your home. We have this information available to all parents seeking resource information about this important topic by the front sign-in sheet. There is also a ‘True Food Shopping Guide’ to use as a reference for all parents who would like information on which food companies are using Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO’s) in their products.

We had two children join us recently. In December we welcomed Talis Hubner to the W/F morning class, and Marcus Padillo to the afternoon class. In January we will be joined by Elias (Eli) Sura, Chisa Ogino, and in February, Tessa Robinson.

Unfortunately we are saying good-bye to Sam Straff, as he and his family head to Los Angeles. We wish the whole family the best of luck as they return to their former home.

With A Song In Your Heart
A Chubby Little Snowman
A chubby little snowman had a carrot nose
Along came a rabbit and what do you suppose?
That hungry little rabbit looking for some lunch
Came upon that snowman’s nose
Nibble, nibble, CRUNCH!

Baby Beluga
Baby Beluga in the deep blue sea,
You swim so wild and you swim so free.
Heaven’s above and the ocean below,
Just a little white whale on the go.

One Little Polar Bear
One little polar bear went out to play, upon the arctic ground one day
He/she had such enormous fun, he/she asked another polar bear to come.
Two little polar bears went out to play. . .
This is a music and movement act out adding a child and increasing numbers to develop one:one correspondence (one child:one number).

Plaintive Penguins
Five little penguins slipping on the ice
One fell down. “Ouch! That’s not nice.”
Four little penguins sliding free
One fell into the icy sea
Three little penguins skating all around
One flew up and then fell down
Two little penguins playing on a hill
One slipped off and banged her bill
One little penguin jumping very high
Broke the ice and began to cry
No little penguins having any fun
No little penguins, not even one

Have You Ever Seen A Penguin? (To the tune of “The More We Get Together”)
Have you ever seen a penguin?
A penguin. . .a penguin!
Have you ever seen a penguin swim this way and that?
Swim this way and that way . . . and this way and that way?
Have you ever seen a penguin swim this way and that? (point)
slide this way and that, swim this way and that, waddle this way and that, etc

Penguin Family
One royal penguin . .feeling very blue (hold up one finger)
Called for his brother then there were two (hold up two fingers)
Two royal penguins. . .swimming in the sea (swimming motion)
Called for their sister then there were three (hold up three fingers)
Three royal penguins waddle on the shore (waddle)
Call for their mother, then there were four (hold up four fingers)
Four royal penguins learning how to dive (Make diving motion)
Call for their father, then there were five (hold up five fingers)

Walking Through the Arctic
Walking through the arctic (echo)
And what do you think I saw (echo)
A great big polar bear
He said Staaand UP! (everyone jump up)
And shake, shake, this way, shake, shake that way (everyone shake)
Shake, shake, this way and then sit down (sit down)

Out Of The Mouths Of Babes

Pascal, I don’t like stinky exhaust.
Elaine, I agree.
Pascal, Its skunk.

Lily, “It snowed! I thought it was Christmas.”

Elaine to Cooper, “What’s your newspaper called?”
Cooper,”The Intelligent Office.”(sounds like a good read.)

Dane, “I’m sick as a dog.”
Carey, “I’m sick as a cat.”

Mia and Salsabel are playing “X marks the spot” when Mia finds the ‘X’ and then comments, “Now we need to find the Y and Z”

Grace-Mae, “The snow is melting!”
Matuka “Oh No!”
Grace-Mae, “Don’t worry, it will be back at Christmas.”

Michael is seeing which numbers Ben H knows, he holds up a nine and asks, What number is this?
Ben P
Michael P is a letter, this is a number. Do you know what number this is?
Ben It’s number P

Dane’s memorized a book at home.
Elaine suggests, You can read it to the children on Friday at story time.
Dane, confident of his abilities, I can read it any day.

Lost and Found

Our lost and found basket is filling up. Please check it this week, as we would like to donate unclaimed items to the Pine Ridge Reservation.