
Our Program

We offer two schedule options four days a week – Monday through Thursday 8:30 am – 3:00 pm, or 2 days a week either Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday /Thursday 8:30 – 3:00pm.  The ages served are 3 – 6 years old, however we make make exceptions for children over 2yr and 9 months who are potty trained.

Our school year runs from the first Tuesday in September after Labor Day and continues through the last Thursday in May before Memorial Day.  We follow the Boulder Valley School District for all major breaks and public holidays during the school year.

Application Process

Thank you for your interest in enrolling at Children’s house preschool.  We are currently accepting applications and have openings for the  2024-25 school year.  We are closed for the month of August however filling out the below registration form will hold a spot for you.  We will contact you as soon as possible but are traveling overseas.

Online Registration Form

Online Registration

  • Parent’s names
  • Annual tuition is divided into 9 equal installments. The first is a non-refundable deposit due June 1st which guarantees your placement, and counts as your final month’s payment. The remaining payments are made the first of the month from September to April. Registration will be refunded if we are unable to accommodate your schedule, unless you elect to be placed on a waiting list. Median Income families whose income is rated at 80-100% median income as defined by Boulder County HUD, are eligible for a 5% discount on tuition. Scholarships are available on request and we also have openings through the Colorado Childcare Assistance Program (CCAP) which offers the afternoon session free of charge for low-income families. Please contact the office for more information, as there are a limited number of these spots.
  • Price: $50.00
    Please fill out one form for each child being registered. Registration fee will only be processed if the schedule requested is available, otherwise the office will contact you to talk about alternate schedules or wait-list options. Once registration is received, your child’s place is held until June 1st when the deposit is due. For enrollments after June 1st, you will be invoiced for the deposit once we receive the registration fee, and the deposit will be due upon receipt of the invoice.
  • $0.00
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.