Summer Camp 2015

Summer Camp August 17th -21st 9:00 am–12:00 pm

Each year Children’s House holds a summer camp for a week before school begins.  Placements are limited to 25 children, and it is open to children 2 1/2 – 6 years old, as well as older siblings or alumni.  This year we are going to be studying the world, cooking and our community around us with the book “How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World” by Marjorie Priceman.How to Make Apple PieFor an application, please click this link and send it in with your payment to reserve your placement.

Nature will abound in our art and science with inspirational, imaginary as well as factual resource books to expand our awareness of the world around us. In the neighborhood we will be exploring the patterns of nature along Four Mile Creek, the water life and plants, discovering the birds and the many trails that lead out from our school. We will collect materials and inspiration from nature and discover the inner artist of all children. Our tools will be magnifiers, sketch books, and a collection of natural objects for creations in individual and group art projects.

The days will be divided amongst the outside world and inside time to ensure a good time is had by all.

There will be stories told and shared by the children, books to read, and act out, songs to enjoy, music to dance, and puzzles and games to play.

Snack will be provided by the school, and we ask that lunches are portable for picnics. Spare clothes and swim gear should be brought along for water play.