2021-22 Tuition Rates
Children’s House follows the Boulder Valley School District calendar for all major breaks and holidays. Our school year runs from Tuesday September 7th 2021 through Thursday May 26 2022.
Children’s House believes all children — of every race, ability, native language, culture and socio-economic status — have the right to flourish in an inclusive preschool program.
We serve children between the ages of 4 to 7 in a multi-age classroom. Scholarships are available for qualifying families through Colorado Childcare Assistance Program (CCAP).
Tuition includes a $100 monthly transport fee which enables us to go on field trips and discover the beauty that surrounds Boulder.
Available Classes:
M through Th Class $1400.00/month 8:30am-3:00pm
M & W OR T & TH Class $750.00/month 8:30am-3:00pm
To register please complete this form. The registration fee of $50.00 is non-refundable and will hold your child’s spot in the program until June 1st.
Tuition is divided into 9 equal installments. The first is a non-refundable deposit due June 1st which guarantees your placement, and counts as your final month’s payment. The remaining payments are made the first of the month from September to April. Families starting later in the school year are required to pay the deposit upon acceptance to reserve their place, and will be charged monthly for attended months only. Full annual payments before September 1st receive a 2% discount.
Median Income: Families whose income is rated at 80-100% median income as defined by Boulder County HUD, are eligible for a 5% discount on tuition. Please contact the office for more information, as there are a limited number of these spots.
Online Registration Form
Online Registration